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Facing the challenge of aluminum electrolytic capacitor

  In twentieth Century 80, when LSI, VLSI development, have been on the capacitor prospect is very pessimistic, as a matter of fact, there are some to entertain imaginary or groundless fears. These views: since the last century since the mid 80‘s, the capacitor industry average growth ratewas more than 20%, in 1993 the global capacitor the sales value reached $13000000000. Aluminum electrolyticcapacitor sale value of the capacitor industry 1/3. However,along with the electronic technology and material manufacturing technology progress, the traditional type aluminum electrolytic capacitor is not only affected by the electronic technology development pressure, but also challenge the big boss status of other categories ofcapacitor pressure.
  The demand for miniaturization of electronic technology of capacitor, chip, which makes the traditional aluminumelectrolytic capacitor industry pressure. The traditionalaluminum electrolytic capacitor electrolyte as the cathode,which makes the chip process is greatly hinder. Chipusually adopts layered structure, resin encapsulated forms,and how the electrolyte well sealed has aluminum electrolytic capacitors are R & D staff feel headache.Tantalum electrolytic capacitors with solid statesemiconductor material MnO2 as cathode materials, thetype of progress rather rapidly, has formed a certain marketthreat to the aluminum electrolytic capacitor.
  Large specific surface area (2000m2/g ~ 3000m2/g)manufacturing technology of carbon fiber clothindustrialized mature, so in recent years R & D and manufacture of electric double layer capacitor are growing rapidly, and become a strong competitor very low voltage and low voltage aluminum electrolytic capacitor. EDLC canbe an easy job to get the Fala class capacity, its energy density is higher than that of aluminum electrolytic capacitor, the energy storage area is gradually breakingthe monopoly position of aluminum electrolytic capacitor,and may catch up from behind.
  Emergence of metallized paper, metallized film capacitors,making paper, plastic film capacitors in the reduced volume,increase the specific capacity of a historic step towards. At present, the development of metallized paper, metallized film capacitors, chip miniaturization is active, and challenged the electrolytic capacitors with low pressure and small capacity of aluminum. Similarly, chip ceramic capacitordue to the development of low temperature sinteringtechnology, vertical lamination process development, canobtain the capacitance range has gradually expanded, also gradually nibble small size low voltage aluminum electrolytic capacitor market share.
  Although the aluminum electrolytic capacitor is faced withhitherto unknown pressure and challenges, but also does not need to be too pessimistic that aluminum electrolytic capacitor has go into a cul-de-sac, must quit the stage of history. However, new technology, new materials development, to other types of capacitor brings development opportunities at the same time, also will certainly to innovation of aluminum electrolytic capacitorbreak open convenient ways. Organic semiconductormaterials, conductive polymer material and synthetictechnology maturity, has laid the material foundation for thealuminum electrolytic capacitor renewal. The organicsemiconductor materials, conductive polymer material usedfor cathode to aluminum electrolytic capacitor, frequency characteristics, temperature characteristics can be obtainedand the chip ceramic capacitor is comparable to, or even higher than the solid aluminum electrolytic capacitor. In addition, for the traditional type of aluminum electrolytic capacitor, which can not be compared over a period of time in the capacity price ratio is still enough to keep the Lord

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Shenzhen Shen Maoxin Electronics Co., Ltd.
Mobile: 0086-18923870923 (Mr.Michael Seung) E-Mail:[email protected]
Addeess:No.68, Minsheng Road,Gongming Office,Guangming New Area,Shenzhen city,China